Monday, June 7, 2010

Ignotius Associates Program- Stay Away From It!

Hello everyone! This is my very first blog and from personal experience, I have been scammed out of my wits trying to work from home. My blog will talk about some of the companies I have tried and which ones are scams or worth your money. Although you don't know me, I'm telling you the absolute truth and NOT copying off of someone's website (which could be full of lies anyway). So to kick things off, I want to talk about an online opportunity called Ignotius.

I first found this website on a random Google Search in 2007. At the time, everything looked really good. You can check out the website here: Ignotius Associates Program. I glanced over it but I was really interested with the testimonials. Each and every one of them were positive, plus they made the work that Ignotius was offering sound to be very simple and highly profitable.

The website looked absolutely legit, but I wanted to investigate further. I did another Google Search on the program itself and although there wasn't a lot of information to look at, the reviews were positive. I even saw a post on a "mothers working at home" forum talking good about the program.

Usually, if I'm interested in a program, I print it out, look over it, and keep reading it over and over and over again. There was a red flag sticking up at me but like a dummy, I chose to ignore it. The website listed a telephone number that you could contact them by. I called the number that they listed under their support section and even e-mailed them. Both attempts to contact someone failed. Ironically, Ignotius could send me e-mails about how awesome their program was but I could never e-mail them back, no matter how hard I tried! Even with this big red flag of no communication, I decided to save up some funds and purchase the program.

It was hard coming up with the money. Ignotius charges $35 and then supposedly taxes you depending on your city and state. I wound up paying $41. Now the cream & crop of the program is this "magical" CD that has all the available jobs listed on it. It even lists on the website that there was training programs for some of the jobs (such as medical billing). Now you know it takes years to become a certified medical biller but they claimed that you could still do the jobs with their training. Once I tied up my heart and purchased the program, I was immediately given an ID# to log into the member's forum.

Once I entered the forum, I knew in that instant I made a mistake. The forum was full of complaints from customers saying how Ignotius ripped them off of their money and how they couldn't get it back. Half of the members complained that they never received the CD at all! I was consumed with madness and fear because that was the main part of the program, the CD! Then to put insult to injury, Ignotius had an affiliate program and they wanted the workers (us) to go out and refer new customers to their program. I was pissed off because it wasn't good to see how people lost their money but the company wanted us to refer more people to lose money.

Ironically, I was one of the lucky ones to receive a CD. It took about 3-5 days to arrive. When it arrived, it didn't look like the CD pictured on the website; it looked like a CD that a friend could burn music on. I used the ID# to unlock the CD and that's where I lost all hope. The supposed "jobs" that they wanted you to do were more scams! Some jobs I saw were jewelry making, candle making, basically nothing that Ignotius had to offer. I could have found those websites through a basic Google Search.

My honest review: DON'T buy this crap! If you do a search and you find someone promoting this program, they are just an affiliate trying to get back some of the money that Ignotius stole from them. I don't care if Ignotius calls me a big fat liar, I know I'm not. 3 years have passed and people are getting hip to their games. I've looked at the site today and nothing has changed in the 3 years I've seen it. The contact information, the CD, even the testimonials are still the same! All in all, stay away from them!

Until next time,
Miracle Reviews


Lanette McAfee said...

Thank you for your post re: Ignotious. Like you I can't afford to lose even $35. You saved me.

Once again if its too good to be true...

bellerous said...

thank u i almost fall for it but thanks alot i will save myself some cash